Faith, Military Life


It’s coming. I’m sitting here on edge after hurricane Michael waiting for the word. The word that my husband will have to leave to help clean up the mess it left in its path. My anxiety is triggering again. Now, if he does leave to help clean up the disaster, thats great! But with his unit on GRF (Global Readiness Forces) until January, he could leave anywhere around the world at any given time. The anywhere part is what scares me.

Since the passing of this hurricane is what made it all really click. “Oh crap this is actually happening…he could be leaving soon, not just to Alabama, Georgia, Flordia, etc…but across the world. To the places that aren’t so welcoming.” Now today at bible study we talked about peace. Something I have really connected with lately. Priscilla Shirer said that if there is an icy terrian you wear cleated shoes to dig into the ground and that will keep you from falling. You have gathered trust that those shoes will keep you standing tall which will bring you peace. I don’t know what will keep me standing tall in this but I know that if I pray to God that he brings me peace and comfort, he will guide me to that.

The one thing we have to do as humans is be thankful. She stated, “Trust fuels thankfulness, and thankfulness activates peace.” So, what will I be doing? Being thankful! Thanking God for my husband and everything he does for our country. It’s hard to be thankful for something that is potentially dangerous for one of my own but I was reminded to put it all in God’s hands. I will not survive this storm without God’s life.

For the military wife that is in my position, we’ve got this. If you happen to read this years from now, just so you know, I survived this. Don’t let this get in the way of your daily activities. “This too shall pass” is one of the most frequently used quotes in my life. Living this life is hard but you know what? I personally wouldn’t trade it for the world. My husband enjoys his job and I’m not going to let my problems get in the way of that. Always remember that marriage is 100/100. And whatever you believe in, PRAY. You have no idea what the power of prayer can do for you. 🖤

1 thought on “Waiting”

  1. I look so forward to your blog, Jordie. What a beautiful example of wisdom, faith and courage. May you know God’s peace more deeply every day as you surrender your own life and the life of your hubby. Addie is a blessed little girl to have you as parents.
    Love you.


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